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Wuhan Healthcare Biotechnology Co.,Ltd


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Region Specific FISH Probe
If you're not looking for a specific gene FISH probe, but want a probe that is located in a specific chromosomal region, you can search by region. Just click on a chromosome to see its genes. The regional list consists of a single gene probe, each con
Gene Fusion Probe
two normally separated genes are linked together, fusion occurs, which may promote cancer development in different ways. Fusion can also produce a chimeric gene and a novel hybrid protein with carcinogenic potential. Finally, when fusion results in tumor
Gene Break Apart Probe
The tumor diagnosis probe includes a dual-color FISH probe with signals break mode. The break apart FISH probe is designed to be labeled on both sides of a specific gene with fluorescein. Normally, 2 yellow fusion signal points are displayed. Once the bre
Gene Specific FISH Probe
Gene Specific probes are designed to hybridize specific genes labeled with fluorescein to a precise gene location. And through observing the Fluorescent signals to identify the state of the specific genes.Gene specific probes are available in both single
Disease Specific FISH Probe
Disease specific probe is a kind of molecular diagnostic reagent. Specific genes related to specific diseases are labeled with green or orange fluorescence and hybridized with corresponding gene loci. By observing the fluorescent signal points and identif
TOP2A Amplification Probe
Product Description :Breast cancerApplications: Solid tumors
6q Probe (6q22)
Product Description:Lung cancerApplications: Solid tumors
HER-2 Amplification Probe
Product Description:breast cancer ,stomach cancerApplications: Solid tumors
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